The Global War On You Know Who

"The West is facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy the West and bring it forcibly into the Islamic world -- and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad."
-- Robert Spencer

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Gunning for the Duranty Award

Part II of useful idiot Kevin Sites' dispatches from Iran -- which are dedicated to Marla Ruzicka, a tireless anti-American radical ironically killed by terrorists in Iraq last year.
I discussed the country's nuclear development program with a key leader in the Iranian parliament, Kazem Jalali, during a recent trip to Iran. Jalali is also a spokesman for Iran's Foreign Policy and National Security Committee.

KEVIN SITES: Dr. Jalali, Europe and the United States are very concerned about Iran's nuclear program -- especially about the potential for uranium enrichment that could be used for nuclear weapons. Why does Iran feel it needs to develop its nuclear technology?

KAZEM JALALI: In the name of God, we're a country who signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty [NPT], therefore we should be enjoying all these rights. There are countries who haven't even signed the treaty but they are doing experiments right now. Whereas our only intended use for atomic energy is a peaceful one.

America is not being honest. If they are truly against nuclear weapons, why don't they have any confrontations with those that haven’t signed the NPT? Likewise there is no confrontation with countries who don't even meet a minimum standard of human rights. And why don't they deal with state-sponsored terrorism like the Zionist regime of Israel?
Sites gives Jalali a total pass on this one.
KS: What kind of guarantees can you offer that you won't develop nuclear weapons?

KJ: Iran has cooperated with the IAEA and continues to do so. Up to now, there have been more than 1,400 man-hours of inspections.
The MMs have been about as cooperative as Saddam was.
KS: What about the Russian proposal in which they would do the uranium enrichment for you, ensuring that the fuel is not enriched to weapons-grade, but only for energy applications?

KJ: If the intention of the Russians is to share the efforts then we can talk. But if it's about prevention, then it's a ridiculous suggestion.
Prevention of what?
KS: How far have you gone in your enrichment process?

KJ: We have reached the UF6 process and reached the capability of centrifugal technology. But since we suspended our technology development [in November 2004] as a goodwill gesture, we haven't moved beyond that.

KS: A German newspaper reported that the United States has drawn up plans to attack Iranian nuclear sites if you continue with your program and that it had also notified its allies of those plans. What's your response to those reports?

KJ: The Americans are stuck now in Iraq. It's a little farfetched to think that they might open another front here.
A bit ominous, if they're thinking of striking while the US appears to be distracted. Funny how he neglects the Navy and the Air Force, who aren't especially tied down just now.
KS: So you don’t give those reports much credence?

KJ: They are just analyses that appear in the Western press. I don't think the Americans are so unwise to make that kind of hasty decision. And if they do, we are also quite capable of defending ourselves.

KS: Since [last June, Ahmadinejad] has made inflammatory statements, renewing a call for the destruction of Israel and questioning the historical reality of the Holocaust. What possible purpose does this serve but to further isolate Iran from the West?

KJ: In a talk we held with Dr. Ahmadinejad he said his speech was not reported in its correct context -- that there were portions that were not relayed accurately.
Riiiight. He knows the drill.
KS: Dr. Jalani, those atrocities have been historically documented, besides what's the purpose of even bringing up the Holocaust?

KJ: His aim was to bring up the question of injustice in the whole world and the fact that if humanity went wrong and committed the atrocity then it shouldn't be repeated.

In a sense the spirit of this discussion was to indicate there's injustice, that these injustices need to be alleviated from the world and that the West should not allow such events in the other parts of the world.
Nice. A college boy, I see.
KS: Let's talk about Iraq. There have been reports that Iran has gotten very involved in the conflict in Iraq both politically and even militarily, that it has political alliances with certain Shia groups there and may even be a part of Shia militias like radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army.

KJ: These are rumors. Nevertheless, it's natural that we have the closest ties in the religious and cultural aspects to the Iraqi people. It is natural that we and the Iraqis be the most proactive nations in coming together.

And we and the Iraqi nation fought a common enemy called Saddam Hussein, so these common aspects bring us closer together and today Iraq’s stability can bring us profitability, politically and otherwise.
Anyone know how to say "Anschluss" in Farsi?
KS: What about the presence of al-Qaida in Iraq? Aren't you concerned about their influence once coalition forces leave?

KJ: All the world should be worried about al-Qaida being present anywhere in the world. They are terrorists and irrational. They are a big threat to the peace and security of the world.
Funny, you guys have been sheltering them since the US blew up their bases in Afghanistan.
KS: What if you were to receive an overture from the U.S. to join in that war on terrorism. How would Iran react to that?

KJ: America first must prove their sincerity in combating terrorism whether it's al-Qaida or other terrorism groups. They must demonstrate their willingness to fight terrorism everywhere and the biggest contributor to terrorism is the lack of justice.

KS: What kind of demonstration are you talking about?

KJ: If the Americans demonstrate justice within different geographic regions of the world, especially with Palestine -- and Palestine is a nation -- this would be one of the signs Americans are seeking justice globally.

The other signs would be payment of debt the U.S. has to Iran [for freezing assets and debt payment in the past] and apologize for meddling in internal affairs of Iran.

KS: What do you mean meddling? Can you be a little more specific please?

KJ: Since 1953 when the American coup d'etat destroyed the Mossaddeq government and until the outset of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the highest meddling in the affairs of Iran has been done by the Americans. . . . America must apologize for all the black deeds against the Iranian people.

KS: That doesn't seem to leave a whole lot of room for dialogue.
Somebody whack this guy with a cluebat.


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