The Global War On You Know Who

"The West is facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy the West and bring it forcibly into the Islamic world -- and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad."
-- Robert Spencer

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Jihad in China?

A suicide bomber has killed himself and injured 31 on a bus on a busy street in southeastern China.

Chinese media reports on the terrorist, Huang Maojin, 42, sound pretty weird.

The Jawa Report: "What many people in the West are unaware of, is that China is fighting a low-level Islamist insurgency in its Western provinces."


At 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like a massive amount of conjecture and speculation concerning possible muslim activities in China. Information coming out of a country like China, knowing that their very breath is controlled by the gumn't certainly would be suspect. JJ


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